Friday, January 14, 2011

Difference Between Two Musical Instruments


The Epiphone Les Paulis, the 'lite' version of the legendary Gibson Les Paul. It is priced in a more economically friendly manner, and provides starting musicians as well as more experienced ones the ability to experience almost everything the Gibson Les Paul provides, but without the need for an enormous budget.

What's the Difference?

Though most of the differences between the Gibson Les Paul and the Epiphone are negligible to many, seasoned guitar veterans will typically be able to spot almost instantaneously the subtle differences in tone between the two. The Epiphone does not contain Gibson hardware, and though the sounds don't come right out and announce their deviance, the trained ear would easily pick up on this.

Another large difference between the Gibson Les Paul and the Epiphone is in the price of each model mentioned before. The sometimes astronomical gap between the budgets of two fellow musicians is often times unreal, and in providing guitarists with the opportunity to create quality music at nearly half the price for equipment is tantamount to a public service provided by Epiphone.

But I Want A Gibson!

If you are steadfast in your crusade to own a Gibson Les Paul and you have the means to do it, then by all means stick to your guns and purchase one knowing that you are buying the very best guitar in the world. You can brag extensively to all of your friends about the expensive tool you have at your disposal and even occasionally wow them with every little thing that the Gibson Les Paul of legend is capable of. But, if instead you are a touring musician still struggling to make ends meet, blowing a massive wad of cash on one instrument will very likely not be the wisest move considering your finances. The Epiphone is able to provide almost the very same level of quality and at nearly half the price. Wouldn't it be a wiser move to strengthen and consolidate yourself behind a finely crafted tool of your trade that won't leave you bankrupt? That Gibson Les Paul may be pretty, but it's also pretty expensive. Always try and look at the big picture when deciding on this large of an investment.

I Want Options!

Often guitarists are thought of as Samurai. Noble musical warriors wielding their guitars as weapons against whatever angst or emotion being expressed through their music. The are almost Knights, slaying the dragons of our emotional torrents and rescuing figurative princesses with dextrous fingers that glide us forever onward towards victory. Many guitarists identities are so entwined with their instruments, that one wonders if denied the touch of the strings and the weight of the body, some guitar players might simply fade away. If you know you want a Les Paul but are undecided of what type to go with, remember to examine every aspect of what you need from a guitar. Are you a warrior poet as described above, or more of a hulking brute charging forcefully through your music like an angry troll? What if you don't even know what sort of musical persona you represent through your artistry? Take heart, even if you have not yet even began to walk down the path of musical identity you can still figure this out. Try and find a dealer with both the Gibson Les Paul and the Epiphone on site. Show up, plug in, and give each guitar a chance to show you how it blends itself into what you can do as a musician. Listen intently for the small things that would go unnoticed by the casual enthusiast. How does each model feel when grasped between your hands and coursing with the power of sound? Do both of the guitars allow you freedom of movement and accentuate what you as a guitarist are capable of? Perhaps one model does all of these things and one does not, or perhaps your allegiances will be torn when you discover each provides you with several things you want, and you are forced to decide just what it is exactly you value from your instrument. The only way to truly discover whether the Gibson Les Paul or the Epiphone model is for you is to strap each of them across your body and go to work. This is an important decision and one that should not be made lightly. Choose your weapon wisely, musical warrior. You are headed into battle. Huzzah!

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